Saturday, October 20, 2012

Easy A

This is a movie review I've been wanting to write for almost a year now. About a year ago this movie was in my suggested movies section on Netflix. I started watching and got maybe twenty minutes into it before I had to pause it and leave. I didn't pick it up for a week and when I signed in to Netflix the movie had been deleted from the entire system. Not until today did I get to see this movie again and I took my chance and started recording. Easy A is a "spinoff" of the Novel and Movie "The Scarlet Letter" In which a woman is accused of Adultery and is ostrasized by the entire village. This movie is a more modern take of it. This girl, Olive accidentally started a rumor that she had lost her V-Card and it just spins wildly out of control. She starts taking offers to start rumors that she slept with certain people thus boosting thier popularity and keeping up her charade. It's a good movie with some twists and jokes and so much more. To me, this movie is an Eight and a half out of Ten. Great movie, I'm not sure if it's back on Netflix but if you get the chance to watch it or rent it, take that chance.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mr. Deeds

I'm starting by giving this a nine of ten. I loved this movie. The main character, Mr. Longfellow Deeds, played by Adam Sandler, is a small town Pizzeria owner who is completely happy with his current life. When his distant Uncle, Preston Blake, the head of a large media company, dies on an expedition to the top of Mount Everest, Deeds is thrown into the world of stocks and business. Meanwhile, a reporter, looking for a big scoop, makes up a separate persona and dates Deeds to learn about his life and tear him down. Along the way she starts to develop feelings for him and he finds out the truth. Heartbroken, Deeds sees himself as nothing special and leaves New York to run his Pizzeria back home. If you want to know how the movie ends, if Deeds owns the company, gets the girl, or stays home, go watch the movie. I saw it on Comedy Central but I'm fairly certain it's also on Netflix. I like these genres of movies when a man is faced with a problem and the problem only gets worse because of a love interest that kills the man inside. Again, I give it a nine of ten. I recommend seeing this movie.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

I've only seen The Dark Knight Begins before seeing the newest one so feel free to take that into consideration before my rating. The Dark Knight Rises started out pretty good, it had fast paced action and fight scenes introducing the main antagonist, Bane. The action of this movie rarely slows down, only breaking to follow up on some other points in the plot. The plot unfolds very late in the movie and you actually start to connect the dots and understand what's happening, I don't want to give any spoilers... but, Bane isn't the only bad guy The Batman has to stop in this film. Out of the three people including me that went to see it, mixed reviews were plentiful. The eldest of us three loved the movie, the middle of the three, I, enjoyed it but I did think that it was just missing some small details to make it great, and the youngest, and also the prettiest, did not like it. Taking into consideration these opinions, I give it an eight out of ten.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


It's not about sex, it's rated PG-13 so don't worry. The movie really has no point and it's even stated in the beginning that there is no reason to watch this movie. The movie is about a psychic tire that blows things up. That's it, there is no plot, there is no development. Just a lone standing tire that rolls around and blows things up. I give this movie a six out of ten just because it's somewhat funny. I really don't recommend seeing this unless you have an hour and a half to kill. If you do, by all means go check it out on Netflix, if you don't, then don't bother.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

At first I did not want to see this movie. Watching the commercials I was always thinking, "Why would anyone want to see this? It's so stupid." One of my friends invited me to go see it with him though and it was a pretty awesome night. We dressed up in fancy clothes, nothing less than a suit and bought our tickets. The movie itself was actually amazing, it had a great story and it generally stuck to Abraham Lincoln's actual life so I'd have to say it's pretty historically accurate aside from the vampires. There was one anachronism at the end of the movie though, while giving the Gettysburg Address, there was a flag flying in the breeze behind him, which flag you ask? It was the modern, fifty start, thirteen striped, American flag. That was the only problem I saw with this movie. I'd rate this movie an 8.9 out of 10 just because of the flag. I would recommend that everyone goes to see this movie and if you don't want to buy an eight dollar ticket, wait a few months and watch it on Netflix.

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Avengers

Coming soon. Going on a date tonight, I'll write about both the date and the movie. Separate blog posts in separate categories though. Don't want to mix blogs here.


If you want to read about it go to my Misc. Blogs.

Monday, February 20, 2012

It's a Boy/Girl Thing

Monday February 20th:

This movie was fantastic. A boy and a girl are neighbors, totally repulsed by the other. They go on a field trip to a museum where they argue in front of an ancient Mayan statue of a god. In the middle of the night they switch bodies. When morning comes, they both awaken to find that they are in the other's body. The movie goes on for an hour and a half or so with both the boy and girl messing up the others life. Breaking up with a girlfriend, spreading scandalous rumors, failing tests, etc... In the end, after the boy's homecoming football game and the girl's interview into the prestigious college of Yale, they switch back into their original bodies, now understanding what it's like to be the other. The closing to this movie isn't that much of a surprise, they become a couple and I assume they live happily ever after. I give this movie and 8/10, the only bad parts being that I've seen the Body Switching Cliche too many times. Other than that I recommend you go rent it or you could Live-stream it on Netflix.

This Means War

Sunday February 19th:

I was told this was a chick flick, which it is, but it has some action in there for the guys in the relationship as well. The movie starts out with two spy partners, Tuck and FDR, in Hong Kong searching for a mob boss and his brother. They manage to kill the brother but the Mob Boss gets away and vows to seek revenge. Back in America the Spies become "Grounded" for not being descrete about thier last mission. Stuck in the Office, Tuck decides it's time for him to get back into the game of dating. He looks online and starts to meet this girl. Two blocks away, FDR is hanging out to make sure this girl isn't a creep. After Tuck's date the girl leaves and meets FDR. FDR , not knowing who this girl really is, asks her out on a date. Later on in the movie both spies find out that they're dating the same girl and decide to see who is the better man. They establish 3 ground rules, No Sabotage, No Spying, and if it starts to come between them, they walk away. Eventually they start to break the rules, planting cameras and microphones in the girls house. The Mob Boss that was seeking revenge finally finds Tuck and FDR at a restaurant with the girl, she leaves while Tuck and FDR are physically fighting each other, only to get kidnapped by the Mob Boss. Tuck and FDR but aside their differences to rescue the girl and eliminate the Mob Boss. I don't want to ruin the end but the girl makes her decision milliseconds away from near death by jumping into the arms of... one of the two spies. The two friends make up and agree to work with each other again. The ending of this movie surprised me, it was very comical. I suggest everyone to see this romantic comedy, it's well worth the seven dollars. I give this movie a 9/10, I don't know why but I felt a little empty at the end and that's why it's only a 9 and not a 10 but it was still a Great Movie.