Sunday, July 15, 2012

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

At first I did not want to see this movie. Watching the commercials I was always thinking, "Why would anyone want to see this? It's so stupid." One of my friends invited me to go see it with him though and it was a pretty awesome night. We dressed up in fancy clothes, nothing less than a suit and bought our tickets. The movie itself was actually amazing, it had a great story and it generally stuck to Abraham Lincoln's actual life so I'd have to say it's pretty historically accurate aside from the vampires. There was one anachronism at the end of the movie though, while giving the Gettysburg Address, there was a flag flying in the breeze behind him, which flag you ask? It was the modern, fifty start, thirteen striped, American flag. That was the only problem I saw with this movie. I'd rate this movie an 8.9 out of 10 just because of the flag. I would recommend that everyone goes to see this movie and if you don't want to buy an eight dollar ticket, wait a few months and watch it on Netflix.

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