Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

I've only seen The Dark Knight Begins before seeing the newest one so feel free to take that into consideration before my rating. The Dark Knight Rises started out pretty good, it had fast paced action and fight scenes introducing the main antagonist, Bane. The action of this movie rarely slows down, only breaking to follow up on some other points in the plot. The plot unfolds very late in the movie and you actually start to connect the dots and understand what's happening, I don't want to give any spoilers... but, Bane isn't the only bad guy The Batman has to stop in this film. Out of the three people including me that went to see it, mixed reviews were plentiful. The eldest of us three loved the movie, the middle of the three, I, enjoyed it but I did think that it was just missing some small details to make it great, and the youngest, and also the prettiest, did not like it. Taking into consideration these opinions, I give it an eight out of ten.

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