Monday, February 20, 2012

It's a Boy/Girl Thing

Monday February 20th:

This movie was fantastic. A boy and a girl are neighbors, totally repulsed by the other. They go on a field trip to a museum where they argue in front of an ancient Mayan statue of a god. In the middle of the night they switch bodies. When morning comes, they both awaken to find that they are in the other's body. The movie goes on for an hour and a half or so with both the boy and girl messing up the others life. Breaking up with a girlfriend, spreading scandalous rumors, failing tests, etc... In the end, after the boy's homecoming football game and the girl's interview into the prestigious college of Yale, they switch back into their original bodies, now understanding what it's like to be the other. The closing to this movie isn't that much of a surprise, they become a couple and I assume they live happily ever after. I give this movie and 8/10, the only bad parts being that I've seen the Body Switching Cliche too many times. Other than that I recommend you go rent it or you could Live-stream it on Netflix.

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